A34 Lodge Hill Interchange
The A34 junction at Lodge Hill, between Abingdon and Oxford, currently has north-facing slip roads only. These interchange improvements will add new south-facing slip roads to the A34, as well as traffic calming on the local network, reprovision of a private road and an upgrade to the Harwell Southbound layby on the A34.
Why we are investing here?
The area will see significant growth in the coming years and investment is needed now so that the transport network can meet the demands that will be placed upon it in the future. This will be done by increasing the junction capacity and overall network performance and resilience.
The project will provide new infrastructure to:
- optimise the junction capacity at Lodge Hill
- provide new access and shorter journey times
- enable more than 1000 new homes in Abingdon by 2031
- support and enable economic growth in wider Science Vale area, increasing opportunities for local people
What you can expect
The A34 Lodge Hill scheme will include the following key construction elements:
- New south-facing slip roads
- Reprovision of a private road
- Harwell Southbound layby upgrades on the A34
- Improved pedestrian and cycle facilities through shared footpaths as well as controlled and uncontrolled crossings.
- Localised traffic calming works
Previous public consultation activity
In March 2021, we engaged with stakeholders through a public consultation on the initial design and layout of the scheme, which included a survey asking for comments and feedback.
As a result of the first consultation and the feedback we received, we undertook a review of the scheme before progressing to the next stage. We looked at incorporating more active travel elements to provide more sustainable travel options for people living near to and using the network.
The preferred junction layout is based on a “Dumb-bell” configuration (one bridge, two roundabouts).
Some of the things we have changed/updated following feedback from the last consultation include:
- Extension of shared footway/cycleway on the eastern length of the A4183 (south of southern roundabout) to provide a continuous cycle link.
- Inclusion of an uncontrolled crossing and island on the A4183 (near to the garages) to the south of the southern roundabout. Between the north and southbound bus laybys.
- Extension of the shared footway/cycleway across the western length of the southern roundabout.
- Inclusion of a Toucan Crossing on the A34 slip road. Traffic modelling undertaken has confirmed that a Toucan Crossing at this location is acceptable.
- Inclusion of a Side Road Priority for cyclists across the northern and southern roundabouts’ pond access.
- Speed limit reduction from 50mph to 40 mph.
Where the project is today
Planning approval for the scheme was granted by delegated decision in September 2023. The original planning application was submitted in October 2022.
A formal agreement was signed with Homes England in February 2024 to secure an additional £17.3million from Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) Fund. The A34 Lodge Hill scheme is the first to enter into contract with Homes England for the provision of BIL funding.
Contracts with the council’s appointed ‘design’ and ‘build’ contractor, Balfour Beatty Group Limited, were also signed during February and March 2024. Detailed design of the scheme is now underway, with construction on-track to start in 2025.
Minimising the impact
Traffic management plans will be developed in order to minimise disruption and keep vehicles flowing during the works. We will coordinate the work to minimise the impact on the network as far as is practical. Further details of this will be available closer to construction.
How it is being funded
The scheme is being funded through a combination of Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Growth Deal funding and Section 106 contributions from developers. Additional funding was formally awarded to the scheme in February 2024 from Homes England’s Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land (BIL) Fund.
Next steps
The A34 Lodge Hill Interchange Scheme is being developed in phases.
Detailed design | Spring 2024 - Winter 2024 |
Local traffic calming works | Summer 2024 |
Layby Upgrades | Autumn 2024 |
Main construction enabling works | Autumn/Winter 2024 |
Main construction start | Early 2025 |
Construction complete | Autumn 2026 |
Contact us
If you would like to know more, you can contact us by email lodgehill@oxfordshire.gov.uk.
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