Graphic of cyclist, pedestrian, bus and traffic light.

Bicester Active Travel Route

Proposals in Bicester are being funded through OxLEP allocation of £1.4m along with proposals in Witney.

Following engagement with residents and organisations in January and February 2020, final scheme designs have been agreed and works began in March 2021 and are anticipated to be largely complete by end of May 2021

 A full report of the results of the consultation, including elements that have been deferred can be found here (link to be provided)

Summary of works

 Summary of works being undertaken include:

  • Off-road shared-use footway and cycleway along Middleton Stoney Road (east of junction with Loddon Close) and Kings End (up to where it meets with Queens Avenue)
  • Parking restrictions at the junction of Loddon Close and Middleton Stoney Road and improvement to existing paths
  • Upgrade of existing signalised crossings outside no.36 Kings End and along Manorsfield Road to toucan crossings with connecting unsegregated shared-use paths
  • 20mph speed limit along Kings End (east), Church Street, Causeway, Market Square, Manorsfield Road (south), Chapel Street, London Road (north), Launton Road (west), and adjoining side roads
  • A coordinated network of directional cycle signage with travel times
  • Quietways with on-road cycling and signage along Kings Avenue, Piggy Lane, Ray Road, Kings End (east), Church Street and Cemetery Road

Cycling link

It is also proposed to provide a cycling link along the Causeway using Section 106 funding. Current proposals include a width and loading restriction to facilitate a contraflow cycle lane and provide a continuous cycle link in both directions. However, delivery of the scheme has been deferred to enable further engagement on options with local stakeholders.

More improvements

The consultation highlighted support for the proposed walking and cycling measures and raised additional places in Bicester where further improvements could be made. We have recorded these and will seek to further improve the walking and cycling infrastructure networks in Bicester in the coming years.

Due to the adoption of an LCWIP (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan) in Bicester, and funding received from local developments, the county council expects to deliver a rolling programme of improvements in the coming years. This will include some of the deferred items, as well as an extension of the scheme westward along Middleton Stoney Road.

Programme of works

Timetable of activity
Scheme section Anticipated Start date Anticipated Completion date Status
Loddon Close 10/3/21 18/3/21 Complete
Middleton Stoney Road South 10/3/21 15/3/21 Complete
Middleton Stoney Road North 16/3/21 8/4/21 Complete
Middleton Stoney Road/Oxford Rd Rbt 29/3/21 27/4/21 Complete
Piggy Lane 11/3/21 9/4/21 Complete
Kings End 15/4/21 28/5/21 Complete
Additional signing and lining TBC TBC Complete

More information

For more information please contact us at: