Encyclopaedias, dictionaries and general reference
A range of encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and reference works.
Reference Online is available 24 hours a day, all year round and contains information on a variety of subjects from encyclopaedias to music, biography, news and art. All you need to do is enter your library membership number - the nine-digit number without spaces - after clicking on each title. If you are not already a member you can join the library online.
See a full list of reference online titles.
Britannica Online
Whether you want to find out about Genghis Khan’s early life for your school project, to watch Winston Churchill addressing Parliament for the first time, or to learn how to simulate the universe on a personal computer, this authoritative online encyclopaedia will provide you with the information you need.
Britannica Online is comprehensive in its scope, with content presented at three age-appropriate levels. Alongside articles, you’ll find images, videos and other interactive content.
Watch this video for a quick overview of Britannica Online
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Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
The nation’s authoritative biographical source of 55,000 biographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to the year 2003.
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Oxford Dictionaries
Oxford Dictionaries tells you how you should be using English today, offering correct spellings, definitions, and alternative words you can use. It also includes expert guidance on writing styles, usage and grammar and specialist guides for legal and technical writing.
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Oxford English Dictionary
The definitive dictionary of the English language, tracing the history, origin, and meaning of more than 600,000 words through time.
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Oxford Reference Online
Over 170 fully-indexed, cross-searchable dictionary, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.
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Who's Who and Who Was Who
Who’s Who: the essential directory of the noteworthy and influential in all walks of life, in the UK and worldwide, published annually since 1849.