Have a go at being an on-call firefighter

Want to find out what it’s like to be an on-call firefighter?

Would you like to join the team?

If you are applying as a wholetime or on-call firefighter, you could receive over £7000 worth of free training that will prepare you to protect and save lives in your community. 


Taster day for women

We are encouraging more women to join us as firefighters. Being a firefighter is a role that women generally do not consider.

Have you ever thought I’d really like to do that but I’m not sure I could? Or I would really like to serve my local community? If you have been thinking about finding out more about the role, but not sure if it is for you, then a taster day is your chance to find out.

On the day

You’ll get to meet female firefighters who will talk to you about what life as a firefighter is like for them, and answer any questions you have at an informal questions and answers session.

If you’re not sure you’re strong or fit enough, you can try out our physical assessments, such as ladder climbing and putting on breathing apparatus. And if you would like any advice or guidance on building your strength and fitness, our firefighters will be on hand to help.

We’ll also explain how the recruitment process works, how long it takes, and what it’s like to be a firefighter for us, whether full-time or on-call. If you’re interested in becoming an on-call firefighter, we can even arrange a visit to your local station so you can meet the crew.

Here are a few quotes from our recent days

“Fantastic day. It is one of the best starting points if you are considering a firefighter career. Everyone is so welcoming, informative and accommodating” - Amy

“I was so nervous, but as soon as I met the team today, they made me feel relaxed and were so supportive”- Fiona

“I felt motivated to complete all challenges at my own pace, with no pressure, and fully supported by the whole team. Gives an insight into what becoming part of the fire service family would be like” - Kate

"I really enjoyed the day; it was a brilliant insight into what it takes to start the journey to becoming a firefighter. Everyone involved with the day was encouraging, supportive, highly professional and very open about answering questions about what it is like to be a female firefighter" - Katy

Find out more information on becoming an on-call firefighter.