Community assets
Explains how groups can apply for a CAT (Community Asset Transfer)
As part of the council’s aim to encourage thriving communities, we are empowering groups to take ownership of unused buildings in their locality and support regeneration in their respective areas.
Since 2011, we have transferred around 80 buildings to community and voluntary groups. This is primarily as a result of significant service changes driven by austerity measures. These transfers have enabled communities to maintain valued services in their area as well as manage them to its specific need.
Information about applying for community assets in Oxfordshire
What is a community asset transfer?
As stated, we currently lease more than 80 properties to voluntary and community organisations, at a community rent. These arrangements range from short-term licences to long leases and this process is known as a ‘Community Asset Transfer’ (CAT).
We have developed a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Policy (pdf format, 339Kb) that supports community or voluntary groups in their endeavour to occupy and manage a surplus council property or land on behalf of its community.
If your group is interested in taking over a council property, contact us for an initial discussion to establish whether it is eligible and to talk about the process. If you remain interested in a CAT you will then be asked to complete an expression of interest form.
(Please note: A business case will be necessary should the expression of interest be considered viable, read section 6.3 of the CAT transfer policy for further information)