Oxfordshire SEND local offer

Local Area SEND Strategy

The Local Area SEND Strategy for children and young people aged 0 – 25 years.

Strategic overview

Oxfordshire has developed a Local Area SEND Strategy for children and young people aged 0 – 25 years who have Special Educational Needs or/and Disability (SEND). It sits alongside our Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which in turn is informed by our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

It was produced by the SEND Strategy Development Group, with representatives from Oxfordshire County Council (education and social care), NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, education settings and Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum.

A public consultation on the Local Area SEND Strategy ran from mid-January to mid-March 2022. The responses to the consultation indicated overwhelming support for the five strategic objectives. A report summarising the consultation will be published by mid-June 2022.

Implementation plans will take into account parental feedback, will be developed in coproduction, and remain consistent with the strategic objectives. In addition, impact measures for the Local Area SEND Strategy are in development in order to help us to monitor our progress.

Please see below for the detailed reports following the consultation on the Local Area SEND Strategy and OCC System Reforms.

Self-evaluation summary

Our self-evaluation summary (pdf format, 2Mb) has been compiled in consultation with representatives from across the local area, including parent/carers and senior leaders from schools, commissioning, health, social care and education. It represents an evaluation of Oxfordshire and its response to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

This report is a snapshot of the position as of June 2022 and should be read in conjunction with other key documents, this includes The Local Area SEND Strategy 2022-2027.