Oxfordshire SEND local offer

What does special educational needs and disabilities mean?

An introduction to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

If you have been told or think your child needs extra support with their communication, social skills or emotional development, or learning, such as literacy and numeracy, they may have special educational needs.

SEND stands for special educational needs and disability

  • Not all children or young people with special educational needs are considered disabled. 
  • Not all children or young people with a disability are considered to have special educational needs.

'SEND support' describes the range of different types of help given to children and young people who find it harder to learn and develop key skills compared to children and young people of the same age.

One in five children will need extra help at school or nursery. 

Every child develops at different speeds, and professionals like health visitors, nursery staff and childminders are trained to identify and support children who may need a bit more help. 

Think your child may need more support?

Remember, what your child needs will be specific to them, but if they are identified as needing more support, you will be involved every step of the way.

Hear from Oxfordshire parents talking about their experiences

  • Sally and Dougie

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    Coming soon: Sally explains the support put in place for Dougie and the difference it has made to his learning. 

  • Jake and Milly

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    Coming soon: Jake's daughter, Milly, finds social interaction difficult, but their local support group has made all the difference.