Oxfordshire Family Information Service (OxonFIS)
Provides information and support for children, young people and families in Oxfordshire.
Family Services Directory
Search for childcare, activities and services for families through our Family Information Directory.
What we do
We can give free information, advice and assistance on:
- finding and paying for childcare
- play and leisure for children, young people and families
- working parents' (maternity and paternity) rights and options
- help for families with disabled children
- family and parenting support
We also support professionals in their work with children, young people and families by providing a centralised information resource to help guide customers to the services and information that they need.
- See how FIS have met the government's local offer requirements
Who is the information and support for?
Parents, carers, young people, employers, professionals, local and national government and their agencies.
Is the service free?
Yes. There is no charge for using the service.
How can I get information?
- Through the Family Information Directory which lists registered childcare, early education, family support and activities for children and families with a dedicated area for parents of disabled children and those with SEN or additional needs.
- Through our contact us form.
Find services in other areas through your local FIS
The Coram Family and Childcare has a comprehensive guide to all family information services in England so you can search for your local FIS.