Short breaks for disabled children

Activities for disabled children and young people

Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their families and have fun.  They also provide families with a break from their caring responsibilities.

Keeping you informed

Short Breaks update

We keep families and professionals informed through the monthly Short Breaks Update bulletin. If you would like to receive your own copy of the Short Breaks Update, please email your request to be added to the mailing list.

If you would like a previous issue, then email us.

Facebook group

We also have a Facebook group page - Oxfordshire SEND Families Together. This is a group for parents of children and young people with impairments living in or near Oxfordshire. The group page is designed for sharing information, activities, events that will be useful and relevant to families. It is also open to professionals working with these families.

Our Short Breaks statement

Read our Short Breaks statement (pdf format, 806Kb) to find out what short break support we are providing and what short breaks are available that could work for your child.

The Local Offer

The Local Offer for SEN and Disability (SEND) brings together information about education, health and care services for children and young people from 0 to 25 with SEND.   

Short Breaks Services Annual report

Overview Report for Short Breaks Services from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 (pdf format, 268 KB)

Finding activities

Children attending a special school

Ask at your child's special school for any local information and support for out-of-school and short-break activities for your child. If further help is needed, please contact the Disability Information Officer on 07554 330244 or email

Children attending a mainstream school

The Disability Information Officer is based in the Oxfordshire Family Information Service and can help you find out of school and short break activities for your child. Contact the Family Information Service for further details. You can also contact the Family Information Service through the FIS Facebook page and Twitter account.

To find more information on activities and organisations supporting disabled children and young people, please see the Family Information Directory.

Youth activities

To find information on things to do and places to go near you for young people living in Oxfordshire, go to Activities Oxfordshire.


Inclusion Support Scheme (Short Breaks) and Short Breaks Transport Scheme

If you need help paying for transport, fees or extra support to access activities, funding is available through the Inclusion Support Scheme (Short Breaks) and the Short Breaks Transport Scheme.

Who can apply

Funding can only be accessed by families on low income/benefits with disabled children aged 5-17 years. The priority for this scheme is to support access to out-of-school activities and/or holiday activities.

How to apply

Applications for this funding can only be made by Out of School Liaison Officers (OSLOs), Children's Disability Social Workers or the Disability Information Officer based at the Oxfordshire Family Information Service.

Early Years Inclusion Support Scheme

The Early Years Inclusion Support Scheme aims to promote inclusion and remove the barriers to play, childcare and leisure for disabled children and young people with funding to help with the costs of childcare for disabled children and young people. It is available for children and young people under five years of age with impairments or emotional, behavioural or learning difficulties who would otherwise be prevented from taking part.

Applications must support children aged under five years with the highest need from families on a low income.

For children aged under five years, a maximum of £250 can be paid in any one year. However, there is no entitlement to this maximum amount. 

The funding is for short-term support, e.g. for a term, or during a holiday playscheme

Enabler Support Scheme

The Enabler Support Scheme is to promote inclusion and remove the barriers to play, childcare and leisure for disabled children and young people.

Funding can pay for:

  • additional staff/enabler hours
  • support from specialist organisations to enable children to access a setting by training existing staff to gain skills/ knowledge and child-specific training necessary to meet individual needs.
  • training
  • equipment; if there are no other funding mechanisms to do this and this will enable a child or young person to attend an inclusive setting.

Funding will be prioritised for:

  • support for children and young people to attend more local mainstream settings
  • support teenagers in preparing to move into adulthood
  • support for Early Years children
  • support for working families to access childcare for children and young people
  • any other enabler situation that meets the criteria

How to apply

Applications for this funding can be made by

  • Out of School Liaison Officers (OSLOs)
  • Children's Disability Social Workers
  • Disability Information Officer (Oxon FIS)
  • Individual groups as agreed by Danny Hearn

More information is available by contacting the Short Breaks team.

The Max Card - discount scheme

The Max Card is a discount card for families of disabled children and children with additional needs.

Families show their Max Card, upon entry to a venue, to obtain free or discounted admission. It is designed to help families save money on great days out at castles, zoos, bowling alleys and lots more.

The card is free to families in Oxfordshire. It has been funded by Oxfordshire County Council working in partnership with Action for Carers (Oxfordshire).

Please visit, where you can see a full breakdown of available attractions in Oxfordshire and across the country. Download a registration form (pdf format, 253Kb)

More information is available by contacting the Short Breaks team.

Commissioned Services

Recommissioning of Short Break services from April 2024

We have now recommissioned our Short Breaks services to start from April 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns about these contract awards or the services provided, please do not hesitate to contact value your input and are committed to ensuring positive and enriching services for children and young people in Oxfordshire.