Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum

The Local Access Forum that advises OCC and others on how to manage and improve public rights of way

The members of the Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum (OCAF) represent a wide variety of interests including those of walkers, cyclists and horse riders, farmers, land managers and rural businesses, education, local communities and nature conservation.

They are fulfilling their statutory role in advising Oxfordshire County Council and other bodies on ways to improve access to the countryside and related areas for residents, visitors and tourists.


Members on the Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum represent a range of interests related to accessing the countryside. The following is a brief summary of members (pdf format, 159KB). To contact any member of the forum please contact the OCAF Secretary.

Expressions of interest for new members are always welcomed all through the year. Contact the Secretary and also do think about coming along as an observer or member of the public so you can see how the group operates.


OCAF meets two to three times per year, and main meetings are open to the public. If you are thinking of attending a meeting please read the guidelines for public participation (pdf format, 160Kb).

Next meeting is to be held in November 2024For further details, or if you have anything you would like to discuss or add to the agenda contact the Secretary paul.harris@oxfordshire.gov.uk 01865 810206. 

Full papers will be uploaded here in the week before the meeting. Any questions or comments to be sent to Secretary at least four working days before the meeting.

Previous meeting papers

The agenda and papers for the most recent meetings are available to download below. When posted below they usually include the confirmed minutes from the meeting before.

May 2024

November 2023

17 May 2023

Previous meeting papers going back to March 2003 are available by email. Contact the OCAF Secretary.

Rights of Way Monitoring Group

This group is a long-standing rights of way liaison group with a complementary but non-statutory role in access. The papers from the last meeting will be posted here with minutes added after confirmation.