Introduction to Prehistoric Textiles

About the Workshop
Discover the earliest origins and uses of textiles through hands in exploration with experimental archaeologist, Sally Pointer.
We will start by investigating the evidence for prehistoric textiles from the Palaeolithic onwards and discussing the challenges of reconstructing techniques where so much of the original material has not survived. This inspiration will help us explore different types of cordage in flax, nettle and lime bast, splicing vs spinning, looped and twined textiles and perhaps netting. You will also make an antler needle (from naturally shed antler) using flint tools to take home.
About the tutor
Sally is an experimental archaeologist and teacher of heritage crafts working with natural materials and techniques that can be traced back thousands of years. Your course will combine a detailed look at the archaeological evidence as well as a solid grounding in practical techniques, with plenty of scope to adapt the projects to suit your own interests as we go along.
For tickets please follow the link