Oxfordshire’s Cabinet
All key decisions at Oxfordshire County Council are made by members of the Cabinet.
Contacting the Cabinet
If you would like to contact all members of the council’s Cabinet email the Leader’s Office.
Councillor Liz Leffman
Leader of the Council
Find out about Councillor Liz Leffman
- strategy
- corporate and community leadership
- regional and strategic infrastructure and planning
- liaison with other Oxfordshire councils and system partners
- asylum and immigration
- Visitor Economy
- LEP Integration
- strategic communications;
- major external partnerships;
- Delivering the Future Together (DTFT)
- town and parish council
Councillor Pete Sudbury
Deputy Leader of the Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment & Future Generations
Find out about Councillor Pete Sudbury
- climate change mitigation
- climate adaptation and resilience
- lead flood authority including Oxford flood alleviation
- planetary boundaries and circular economy
- ecology, nature recovery and enhancement
- future generations
- minerals strategy, waste disposal and recycling centres
- Countryside operations and volunteers
- ecology/archaeology/heritage
- water strategy including Thames Water (TW) reservoir
- energy strategy
- tree strategy
- Highways verge and vegetation management strategy
Councillor John Howson
Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Young People's Services
Find out about Councillor John Howson
- Children’s Social Care
- Education
- 0 - 5 offer
- Youth Offer
Councillor Kate Gregory
Cabinet Member for SEND Improvement
Find out about Councillor Kate Gregory
- SEND improvement plan
Councillor Neil Fawcett
Cabinet Member for Community & Corporate Services
Find out about Councillor Neil Fawcett
- Governance and legal
- HR and industrial relations
- Broadband / ICT
- Customer services
- Communications
- Cultural services
- Registration service
- Library service
Councillor Dr Nathan Ley
Cabinet Member for Public Health, Inequalities and Community Safety
Find out about Councillor Dr Nathan Ley
- Public health
- COVID renewal
- Voluntary sector
- Inequalities
- Fire and rescue service
- Emergency planning
- Community safety
- Trading standards
Councillor Andrew Gant
Cabinet Member for Transport Management
Find out about Councillor Andrew Gant
- Highways Delivery Operations – structures and maintenance
- Network management
- Public Rights of way
- Supported Transport
- Fix My Street
- Walking and Cycling – Maintenance
- Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans / low-traffic neighbourhoods
- Street lighting
- Travel Hubs
- Public transport – Bus Strategy/Universal Payment/Maps
- Cycle Parking
- School Streets
- 20 Is Plenty - implementation
- Enforcement
- Car parking Strategy
Councillor Judy Roberts
Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Development Strategy
Find out about Councillor Judy Roberts
- Strategic economic, social and environmental development
- Integration of LEP functions
- Infrastructure strategy (OXIS)
- Rail – Cowley / Grove / Worcester Line / Witney
- Connecting Oxford
- Travel hubs
- Waterways
- HGV weight routes
Councillor Dan Levy
Cabinet Member for Finance
Find out about Councillor Dan Levy
- Finance
- Property/Investments
- Procurement
- Gypsies and travellers
Councillor Tim Bearder
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care
Find out about Councillor Tim Bearder
- Adult Social Care
- Carers services
- Support to:
- People with learning disabilities
- Physical disability services
- People living with the impact of a brain injury
- People living with a long-term condition
- Older people services
- Safeguarding adult services
- Homelessness
- Hospital discharge
- Mental health
- Health Partnerships