Cabinet Advisory Groups

These groups examine topics selected by Cabinet which align to corporate council priorities.

Cabinet Advisory Groups (CAGs) are not formal meetings of the council and do not have the status of advisory committees under the Local Government Act 1972 Section 102(4).

CAGs are ad-hoc committees set up to examine topics selected by Cabinet which align to corporate council priorities. They enable back bench members to be more closely involved with issues of greatest importance to the council.

Minerals and Waste Cabinet Advisory Group

The group will meet at key points in the development of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The purpose of this committee is to:

  • Provide guidance and feedback to officers on the preparation, monitoring and review of the Oxfordshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan
  • Consider related technical reports including, but not limited to, the annual Oxfordshire Local Aggregates Assessment (LAA) and the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
  • Consider any external feedback on the provision to be made for minerals and waste development in Oxfordshire from key stakeholders, including other Minerals Planning Authorities (MPAs) and Aggregates Working Parties (AWPs)
  • Consider comments received from District, Parish and Town Councils, other organisations and the public on consultations related to the preparation of the plan
  • Review and consider the implications of minerals and waste industry activity in Oxfordshire
  • Review and consider the implications of changes in national planning policy and guidance related to minerals and waste development
  • Help inform advice and recommendations to Cabinet and Full Council relating to the plan and any such plans produced by neighbouring MPAs

This group meets in private.


Transport Cabinet Advisory Group

The Group worked to input and influence the revised Highways policies that were approved in December 2018, and now continues a watching brief on the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway and to input into the development of the County Council's Local Transport Plan 5 (LTP5).

This group meets in private.


Transformation Cabinet Advisory Group

The Group considers and provides advice to Cabinet on the Transformation programme currently being rolled out across Oxfordshire County Council as an organisation. This group meets in private.


Climate Action Cabinet Advisory Group

The group considers and provides advice to Cabinet on major environmental issues to support Climate Action. This group meets in private.


Past Cabinet Advisory Groups

Home to School Transport for SEN Post-16

The group considered and provided advice to Cabinet on the proposed changes to Home to School Transport for SEN Post-16 pupils.

Early Intervention Cabinet Advisory Group

The Early Intervention CAG explored the issues related to the future provision of early intervention services in Oxfordshire. 

Income Generation Cabinet Advisory Group

The Income Generation CAG explored options for increasing income generation in order to feed in to the budget setting process. 

Children and Young People’s Safeguarding Assurance Cabinet Advisory Group

The Children and Young People’s Safeguarding Assurance CAG met to consider the existing strategic assurance framework for safeguarding children and young people and make any recommendations to Cabinet for changes. This group met in public. It submitted a report to Cabinet on 13 May 2014 and met for the last time on 16 July 2014.