
Oxfordshire's Lord-Lieutenant is Mrs Marjorie Glasgow BEM

She is supported by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Lynda Atkins DL and Deputy Lieutenants. Collectively, they are known as the Oxfordshire Lieutenancy.

The Lieutenancy works closely with Oxfordshire's High Sheriff.

Marjorie is the founder and chief executive of an Oxfordshire-based clean energy company, which develops private/public partnerships that combine renewable energy projects and community hubs.  Her firm also undertakes key environmental work for the restoration of peatlands across the UK. She has taken on a number of voluntary leadership roles in west Oxfordshire and is a member of the Ditchley Foundation Council of Governors.  She became Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire on 1 October 2021.

For more information, please visit https://www.oxfordshire-lieutenancy.org/.