Buy with confidence
How to view our list of checked local businesses and how to enrol on the scheme.
Buy With Confidence is a scheme run by Oxfordshire Trading Standards that lists reliable, local home improvement businesses who have committed to trading fairly and doing a good job.
Visit the Buy With Confidence website to search the list of approved traders.
How do I know that businesses on the scheme are trustworthy?
Every business on our list has been visited by us and has undergone a series of detailed checks including:
- compliance with consumer protection laws
- credit checks
- County Court judgements
- criminal records
- references from past customers
- complaints procedures
- training records
- Once approved, each member can display the Buy With
- Confidence logo and will be regularly monitored by us to ensure their high standards are maintained.
We cannot guarantee that there will never be any problems with the business you employ, but you can expect the business to deal with you fairly.
Trading Standards also will offer to mediate if a problem cannot be resolved.
Case study
Since joining the Buy With Confidence scheme in 2009, P&R Roofing Ltd. - a roofing business based in Horspath - has benefited from a big boost to its business, with one in every ten of its customers being referred through the online database.
Owner Paul Hackett, said: “Quality is what my business is all about and the Buy With Confidence scheme gives our work the Trading Standards seal of approval that customers know and trust. Unlike other trader recommendation websites, the Buy With Confidence scheme requires very thorough background checks and is the only one that is Trading Standards approved, giving customers the confidence that we will do a good job.”
Established in 1984, the company specialises in re-roofing old properties. It built up a base of loyal customers, but the Buy With Confidence scheme gave them added exposure and credibility. Mr Hackett said: “As a member of the scheme, Trading Standards promotes our business to potential customers and lists us on the Buy With Confidence website. This has led to a big increase in customers; 10% of our business now comes through Trading Standards.”
Mr Hackett added: “I’d recommend the scheme to any business that wants to increase its credibility and customer confidence in the quality of their work. There is a prestige that comes with the accreditation because of the rigorous checks and effort that goes into the application, and we are proud to be on the list.”
For businesses
Benefits of adding your business to the scheme
We have been recruiting businesses in Oxfordshire since April 2008 and more businesses are joining every week.
Advantages include:
- independent recognition of your high business standards and increased consumer confidence in your business
- a place on the Buy With confidence website which currently enjoys over 50,000 views per month
- a membership certificate to display on your premises and a copy of the logo for use on your business documentation and advertising material
- assistance in resolving consumer disputes should they arise.
How to join
Visit the Buy With confidence website to apply.
Membership fee
There is an annual membership fee which is payable on submission of your application. The scheme is not run for profit and this contribution allows us to develop the scheme and to advertise in the local media.