Health visiting and early years settings working together.
Health and early education reviews for young children at the age of two.
Health visitors
A health visitor completes a range of mandated healthy child development reviews in the under 5s which include a 2- 2.5 year and 4-year health and development review. This is an opportunity to ensure and assess that children are developing accordingly and to provide age-appropriate health promotion messages, including speech, language, and communication; play and behaviour; healthy nutrition; toileting; child safety & accident prevention; seasonal advice; immunisation advice; parental and family wellbeing and access to early years education.
Two Year Health and development review:
The 0-19 Children and Young People’s Service offer a 2- 2.5-year review at any time between 24 and 30 months old to all children in Oxfordshire.
Witin the review the health visitor will use Ages and Stages questionnaires to do a holistic assessment of a child’s health and development. This questionnaire is done in collaboration with the childs parent/carer. The review will be a face-to-face appointment, usually in a clinic setting with a member of the 0-19 team.
Four Year Health and development review:
The 0-19 Children and Young People’s Service have now introduced a 4-year health and development review to all children in Oxfordshire. This review will take place close to a child’s fourth birthday and uses the Ages and Stages Development Tool to do a holistic assessment of a child’s health and development. This review will be a face-to-face appointment, usually in a clinic setting with a member of the 0-19 team.
Early Years settings
The EYFS progress check at age two
The Early Years Foundation Stage requires that practitioners must review children’s progress, and provide parents and/or carers with a short-written summary of their child’s development in the prime areas: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development and. In Oxfordshire, practitioners are advised to carry out the progress check at age 2 when a child is aged between 2½ - 3.
Working in partnership
It is important that there are good communications between early years settings and health visitors so that we can work together to support childrens development and enable them to meet their full potential.
Click the updated communication and partnership pathways.
- 2 Year HV to EY communication pathway (docx format, 224 KB)
- 4 Year review - communication (docx format, 31 KB)
Contact Details for 0-19 Children and Young People Service:
Single Point of Access:
Phone: 01865 903800
Website: About us - Health Visiting ServiceHealth Visiting Service (
For advice or support parents can TEXT Chat Health on the following numbers:
ParentLine 0-4 years. Text: 07312 263081
ParentLine 5-11 years. Text: 07312 263227
ChatHealth 11-19 years. Text: 07312 263084