Protecting your business

Save yourself time and money by knowing how to protect your business or idea.

Intellectual property protection

Intellectual property: intangible property that us the result of creativity, such as patents, copyrights, registered designs and trade marks.

Watch our video about intellectual property


How we can help you

The right type of intellectual property protection can prevent other people from stealing or copying:​

  • the content you have written
  • your invention​
  • the design or look of your product​
  • the name of your brand, products or services. ​

At the BIPC Oxfordshire, we will give you enough information to make your first step towards protecting your business. ​

We can refer you to an expert that will be able to provide you with 30 minutes of free support, further information and insights. 

  • Book your intellectual property 1-to-1

    young business man

    Talk through your business idea in confidence with our team and find out how you could protect your intellectual property online or face to face. Book your intellectual property 1-to-1.