Report bridge damage or request approval to carry out work on or near a bridge.
Reporting bridge damage
Any queries or reports of damage relating to bridges should be reported to the Bridge Office through our online reporting tool Fixmystreet.
Working on or adjacent to a bridge
We are the Technical Approval Authority for any work on bridges or retaining walls, which in any way affect or abut the highway (whether of public or private origin). The only exceptions to this are for those structures owned by Network Rail or the Highways England.
We should be notified about:
- works which affect or are located within 3.66 metres of a highway structure, regardless of ownership or maintenance liabilities for that structure, which overspans, supports or abuts the highway
- any carriageway resurfacing works involving a change in level within 25 metres of an overbridge
- any carriageway resurfacing works over a highway structure.
Who to contact for approval
The appropriate submissions must be made to the County Bridge Engineer. Contact us.