Domestic abuse training

Access domestic abuse training through Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (OSCB).

If you are a professional, a volunteer or a resident who works with the public in Oxfordshire, you are able to access domestic abuse training through Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (OSCB).

Our commissioned domestic training provider is SociaLed. If you have any questions, contact us.

Universal modules

At least one of the first three (universal) modules needs to be completed before you can progress.

  • Module 1: Domestic abuse basic awareness
  • Module 4: Child /adolescent to parent abuse
  • Module 5: So called honour based abuse (HBA) and forced marriage (FM)

Targeted training

Once one universal module has been completed, you can sign up for targeted training courses.

  • Module 2: The impact on children and families
  • Module 3: Risk assessment and safety planning
  • Module 6: Domestic abuse and sexual violence
  • Module 7: The intersection of domestic abuse and protected characteristics

About the modules

Each module is three hours long and is delivered through Thinkific, a learning management platform. You will have access two weeks before your modules seminar session so you can complete the first two stages, and then the information will remain available so you can revisit it at any time.


The modules follow the same structure:

  • Video content (20-30 minutes long to give an overview to enhance your knowledge)
  • Reflective workbook you will need to complete.
  • Seminar group with a skilled trainer to will deepen your understanding
  • Evaluation

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