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Our partnership approach

Oxfordshire’s partnership approach to the whole care pathway.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 brought wide reaching changes in protective legislation and provided a new definition of domestic abuse.

In April 2021, we appointed the Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Strategic Board (ODASB) as its domestic abuse local partnership board. This is multi-agency and is made up of both county and local district councils.

As a partnership, we have committed to a coordinated community response to tackle domestic abuse. At its heart is that agencies need to work together to make a difference.

Domestic abuse strategy video

Video transcript

Our ambitious new strategy sets out our vision for how we plan to tackle domestic abuse in Oxfordshire.

It establishes how we will work together to prevent domestic abuse through awareness.

It will make sure the right support and provision, however it is accessed, is available – in the places it’s needed.

That professionals and the public are aware of the types and signs of domestic abuse, and through education that they know how to safely challenge behaviours.

And that people who are perpetrators are held to account and can access advice to prevent domestic abuse happening.

Improving safety and wellbeing for victim survivors and their children by ensuring we pursue the reduction of harm.

It is a single partnership approach to improve the services available.

Aligning policies, co-ordinating responses and sharing leadership of the issue in order make a real difference.

Capturing the lived experience voices of those who have experienced domestic abuse and challenging what has gone before, we can get the best results for everyone.

Work with us to deliver positive change by finding out more at 

Our aim

Our aim is to create safer communities which protect victims-survivors, including children and young people, and hold perpetrators to account. This will improve outcomes for adults, children and young people affected by domestic abuse. There are four strategic priorities identified.


Preventing domestic abuse from happening by challenging the attitudes and behaviour which foster it and intervening early where possible to prevent it.


Providing high quality, joined-up support for victimssurvivors where domestic abuse does occur.


Taking action to reduce the harm to victims-survivors of abuse by ensuring that perpetrators are held to account and provided with opportunities for change in a way that maximises safety.


Working in partnership to obtain the best outcome for victims-survivors, children and their families.

Oxfordshire’s Overarching Domestic Abuse Strategy

The Oxfordshire Overarching Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022 – 2025 pdf format, 1.2Mb) outlines our partnership response across the whole care pathway - from preventing domestic abuse from happening through to the provision of high-quality support for victims-survivors, including children and young people, and work with perpetrators of domestic abuse.

Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2021 – 2024

The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2021 – 2024 (.pdf format 891Kb) outlines how we will implement the statutory duties associated with the provision of safe accommodation, as required by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

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