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Ongoing support for domestic abuse victim survivors

Organisations who have the expertise to help long-term support.

Providing support to victim survivors is a long-term commitment. But there are a number of organisations who have the expertise to help make things as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service (ODAS)

The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service provided by a2dominion, has trained staff who are able to offer confidential and practical advice so victim-survivors and their children can access what they need to rebuild their lives. This may start with a conversation to help people understand their options.

This may involve helping them find a safe place to stay, with or without children, or it might be advice on how to access a range of specialist support services including safety planning, signposting to benefits advice, information on legal rights and support to access counselling and therapy. They can support with translation services.

They can offer specialist help for people with more complex needs.

As a professional or volunteer, you can also make a referral to their service on their website.

Independent Domestic Violence Advisory Service (IDVA)


The high-risk IDVA service is provided by Reducing the Risk. The service works with people who are assessed as at high risk of significant harm and trauma through domestic abuse.

To be accepted, victims need to be assessed as high risk of serious harm using the DASH risk assessment and referred by a Designated MARAC Officer (DMO). 

People cannot access this service directly, but referrals are accepted from other professional organisations, and they work closely with The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service.

Email to find out who your contact point would be.


The court-based IDVA is independent of the court service, police and the criminal or civil justice process and supports victims of domestic abuse who are going through the criminal justice system or requiring protective orders.

You can make a referral on behalf of someone, or those experiencing domestic abuse can do so directly.

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