More information about moving into adulthood
Where to find more information and advice about moving into adulthood.
Family Information Directory
Find out about organisations that can give support in the Family Information Directory.
Guidance for young people
Our website for young people, Oxme, provides information for 13 to 25-year-olds with special educational needs and disabilities. Find out about activities, employment, discrimination and harassment, bullying and Oxfordshire’s disability forum.
'Preparing for Adulthood' programme
Preparing for Adulthood has resources to help local authorities and families. It’s a national programme that is sharing information about some of the ways that young people with SEN and disabilities can achieve paid work, independent living, good health and be part of their local community.
Getting a Life guides
Oxfordshire Family Support Network is producing a series of guides written by and for families of young people with learning disabilities. Some of the information contained in them will also be helpful for families of other disabled young people or those who have special educational needs.
It is recommended that you find out more information about benefit entitlement during this period of change for both parents and their young person transitioning into adulthood as there can be direct consequences on entitlements currently received by parents when a young person becomes eligible in their own right.
You can contact Citizens Advice for independent advice and also discuss the benefits of a young person opening their own bank account once they turn 16 years old.
Use our Live Well Oxfordshire directory to find services near you.
Information available on other websites
Staying Safe Out and About (Foundation for people with Learning Disabilities).
This easy read guide gives you some top tips to help you think about how to keep safe.
Personalisation: an easy-read guide (SCIE)
This guide helps you to think about your care and support. It helps you think about what you want help with. It helps you think about having more choices.
Help and information
Search on the Family Information Service website for organisations and groups that support parents and carers of disabled children and young people and those with SEN and additional needs.
Impartial free advice and support - education
The special educational needs and disability information advice and support service (SENDIASS) offers impartial information, advice and support to parents of children and young people with SEN and disabilities regarding their education. You can get in touch by completing this online form.
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