Education, health and care (EHC) plans
An overview of education, health and care (EHC) plans and what you need to do to get an assessment.
Understanding the purpose of an education, health and care plan (EHC)
An EHC plan or EHCP is a legal document that sets out a child’s additional needs and the support that should be provided. It would outline:
- the support they need
- the support that will be provided
- any health and social care support required
- their goals for the future
Most children or young people who need SEND support in their education setting will not need an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
We assess your child's needs before deciding if an EHC plan is appropriate for them.
Before you request an EHC needs assessment
Before requesting an assessment, get advice about your child's development. There may be something your child's school, nursery or early years setting could put in place now to help meet their needs.
Speak to your child's key person, health visitor, teacher or doctor first. These specialists can identify if a child needs an assessment or if other options are available. If your child needs an assessment, they can support you in applying for one.
You can request an assessment for yourself if you are a young person aged 16 to 25. Parents and other family members can support or act on your behalf with your agreement.
Schools or colleges usually involve the young person's parents if they are under 18.
Other types of support
An EHC needs assessment may identify that other types of local support can meet your child's needs. Local support can mean:
- other council services
- health services
- schools or nurseries
- groups and organisations
- charities
The assessment will signpost you to support that will meet the needs of your child.
How the process works in Oxfordshire - video animation
If you feel you need support in addition to your child’s school or college, there are other organisations who can help with your request for an EHC needs assessment.
Start EHC needs assessment application
Support while you wait for your assessment
If you do apply, the whole process can take up to 20 weeks (pdf format, 165 KB) from the point of requesting an assessment.