Starting your baby on solid food

How to help your baby eat nutritious solid foods.

Introducing your baby to solid foods, sometimes called complementary feeding or weaning, should start when your baby is around six months old. Weaning teaches your baby to move solid food around their mouth, chew and swallow.

Remember that now your baby is starting to eat solids, it's even more important to take care of their teeth.

  • Health Visiting Service

    Oxford health NHS foundation trust

    The Health Visiting Service has collected together current information about introducing solid foods.

  • Your baby's first solid foods

    NHS logo

    Learn the signs that show your baby is ready for solid food and how to get them started. Visit the NHS guidance.

  • NCT: introducing solids

    NCT logo

    The NCT website has a variety or articles that will help you start your baby on solid food. The advice includes feeding your baby on a budget, tips and tricks and dealing with mealtime tantrums.

  • What to feed your baby

    Start for Life logo

    Learn about what to feed your baby and when. The Start for Life website tells you about the different food groups and how to introduce them to your baby.

  • Healthy Start scheme

    community dental services logo

    The Community Dental Service has made a video that explains the NHS Healthy Start scheme. This scheme helps parents from low-income families buy milk and food. 

  • Recipes and meal ideas

    bean stew for babies

    You'll find loads of great healthy meal ideas on the Start for Life website. Choose by age group and meal type, and then follow the recipe guides.

  • Healthy start, brighter future

    henry logo

    Henry is a local charity that focuses on healthy lifestyles from an early age. The website includes meal ideas, activity ideas and support for parents. Visit Henry.