
Support you will receive

Proud to support you from the first step of your foster carer journey.

You’re not alone

As an Oxfordshire County Council Foster Carer, you’ll get support and training as part of a team of professionals. Alongside a local community network of other foster carers, you will transform the lives of local children. These teams are based in:  

Our central recruitment team is based at Knights Court, Oxford.


We are committed to comprehensive training packages for foster carers. You'll receive all the training you need before approval and throughout your fostering career, to meet the demands and complexities of fostering. 

More information on training for foster carers.

Your supervising social worker

You’ll be matched to a social worker to support, advise and guide you along your individual fostering journey – they will:

  • arrange additional support if needed
  • help you attend meetings, write reports, keep records
  • make statutory visits
  • help manage contact between your foster child/children and their birth relatives
  • identify your training needs to help you learn and achieve development goals
  • keep progress records of children placed with you
  • work alongside your child's social worker
  • be available to you, your family and children / young people through regular visits and phone calls.

They also carry out your annual foster carer review which is presented to the fostering panel.

Most importantly, they help match you with a child who fits with you and your family.

Your annual review

This is part of the Fostering Services Regulations. It’s your opportunity to make changes. You may want to increase the number of children you foster or choose a different scheme. It’s also a time to give feedback to the panel about your year in fostering.

Care coordinators

These are experienced foster carers there to support and advise you from the start of your application and they will be available on the phone to answer your questions. Carer coordinators:

  • coordinate and run support groups.
  • arrange foster carer social evenings.
  • support carers through Induction Standards, allegation procedures and meetings.
  • visit prospective carers and support them through the process.
  • support carers on hold or waiting for their first placement.

The Mockingbird Family Model

Support between foster carers is vital. The knowledge and experience you’ll share and the practical support you provide to each other are essential.

The Mockingbird Family Model will support you through hubs of six to ten foster carers based around a central hub where both children and carers can find support from someone who understands them. This provides similar support offered by an auntie, uncle, or grandparent in a traditional family setup.

Virtual School

The Virtual School aims to raise the achievement levels and aspirations of looked after children. The headteacher and team ensure that schools, social workers, carers and other professionals understand their statutory responsibilities and are aware of the best practice.

Benefits and discounts

  • Leisure centre discounts.
  • Access to Oxford United match tickets and other football events.
  • Discounts to attractions across the country.
  • The Max Card
  • Trips and events organised by the Oxfordshire Foster Care Association (OFCA).
  • Fostering Network membership which provides further discounted days out and

More detail on your benefits and discounts.

Oxfordshire Foster Care Association

From carers to birth families, Oxfordshire Foster Care Association (OFCA) support fostering in Oxfordshire.

Fostering Friendly Employer

Oxfordshire County Council is a fostering friendly employer.

What does this mean?

We support looked-after children by offering the foster carers who look after them:

  • flexible working,
  • paid leave to train, and
  • paid time to settle a new child into their home.

This helps balance their employment for the county council with looking after the children they care for.

  • speech marks

    My manager is very understanding. If I need time off at short notice because we have an emergency placement, or a medical appointment for one of the foster children; no problems. I return to work inspired and motivated; even more determined to make a difference. Foster caring spurs you on in every aspect of your life.

How does it work?

The policy offers an extra five days (37 hours) annual leave so foster carers can balance their carer with their home life and meet their children's needs more easily, especially in the first few weeks of a placement. The time can also be used for

  • hospital visits,
  • meetings, and
  • general support for a foster child in their care.

The leave is flexible and can be taken as half-day absences, or hour blocks.