Lending libraries terms and conditions
These are the policies, terms and conditions that govern how the Library Service operates
- Anyone living in the United Kingdom may join Oxfordshire libraries and borrow books free of charge. You can join at any library in Oxfordshire; please bring some personal identification, such as a driving licence, utilities bill, credit card, passport or a library card from another authority. Alternatively you can apply online to join, and then collect your library card from any library in Oxfordshire; again please bring some personal identification in order to do so.
- If you are in Oxfordshire on holiday you may join Oxfordshire libraries as a temporary member and borrow items from the library by showing your home library card or providing another proof of identity. You must join in person; you cannot join online.
- You may borrow up to 20 books.
- Separate arrangements apply to the hire of audio-visual items, and these may be varied from time to time.
- Your library card is for your own use only.
- You must notify the library of any change of name or address as soon as possible.
- If you lose your card, a replacement card can be issued, but you will be responsible for any items taken out on missing cards until you report the loss.
- If for any reason you want to stop using the library to borrow items, please return your card for cancellation; you remain responsible for any outstanding items taken out on your card until you have requested its cancellation.
- You must renew or return your books to any Oxfordshire library on or before midnight on the date due back. If you keep books beyond that date, you will be charged in line with the current rate of charges.
- Unless it has been reserved by another borrower, a book may be renewed for a further period up to three times without being produced at the library. If you still require the book after that, you must bring it to the library to be re-issued.
- You are responsible for any loss or damage to library items that you have borrowed, and may have to pay the replacement cost of the item or the series to which it belongs. However, we understand that children’s books do occasionally get damaged, and do not make a charge for them. Please report any loss or damage straight away.
- If you:
(a) Do not pay your library overdue charges, or
(b) Do not return items that are long overdue, or
(c) Have not paid for or replaced any lost or damaged item
you may not be allowed to borrow further items. The circumstances may also be reported to the County Librarian, who has the authority to cancel the membership of any person habitually keeping items overdue, treating them badly or refusing to pay fines or outstanding charges.