Borrowing library items
Find out about borrowing books and audio-visual items.
It is free to join a library. As a member you can:
- borrow up to 20 books for three weeks free of charge
- renew them if you can keep them longer. How to renew.
- download up to ten eBook and eAudio items for either 7,14 or 21 days with OverDrive (Libby app)
- download or request up to five eBook and five eAudio items for up to three weeks with BorrowBox
- hire DVDs and music CDs firstly for a 3-week period and a weekly charge after that.
- return any item you have borrowed to any Oxfordshire library
Loan periods for books and audio-visual items
Item and loan period | Children and adults | Reading Impaired | Housebound |
Books | 20 items / 21 days | 20 items / 21 days | 30 items / 21 days |
Audio books | 5 items / 21 days | 20 items / 21 days | 30 items / 21 days |
DVDs | 5 items / 7 days | 5 items / 7 days | 5 items / 21 days |
Music CDs | 5 items / 7 days | 5 items / 7 days | 5 items / 21 days |
Language packs | 5 items / 21 days | 5 items / 21 days | 5 items / 21 days |
CDs | 5 items /21 + 7 days | 5 items /21 + 7 days | 5 items / 21 days |