Family history and biographies
Resources, including the 1921 Census, for researching your family history and biographies
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Trace your family tree using the UK Census information; birth, marriage and death records; and parish and probate records.
Find My Past
Family history and genealogy resources containing birth, marriage and death records, censuses, including the latest 1921 Census, military records, and local newspapers.
How to find your ancestor in the 1921 Census
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
The nation’s authoritative biographical source of 55,000 biographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to the year 2012.
Access at home or in libraries
Who's Who and Who Was Who
Who’s Who: the essential directory of the noteworthy and influential in all walks of life, in the UK and worldwide, published annually since 1849.