Requesting a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)

Requesting a temporary road closure or any other TTRO for work on the highway.

We are the Highways Authority for roads other than trunk routes in Oxfordshire. We deal with applications for road closures and other restrictions which require a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO). This includes restrictions on county roads, footpaths and bridleways.

For trunk roads, contact the appropriate maintenance agency. The Highways England website has a map of the roads they maintain.

If you're planning a neighbourhood street party, contact your district council.

For temporary traffic restrictions for sizeable events, please see our page on public event planning.


We levy a standard charge based on the average cost of processing a routine Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO).

For further details, see the guidelines in 'How to apply' below.

The charge covers some or all of the following:

  • An initial site visit (if needed)
  • Approval of a TTRO application
  • Drawing up a schedule for the process
  • Notifications to interested parties (not including those directly affected)
  • Preparation of street notices
  • Approval of temporary restriction/closure and diversion signing schedules and publicity plans
  • Legal work for the preparation and making of the TTRO / notice
  • Amendments to the original application.

Charges 2024-25

(applications between and including 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025)

Type Duration Cost

TTRO by Order 


Maximum period of a TTRO of 18 months (road).  £2,465. We ask for a Purchase Order of £2,465.

TTRO by Notice

(subject to urgency)

For a maximum of 5 consecutive days


(Purchase Order required for £1,055)

21 day ‘Emergency’ Notice 

(Can only be used when serious injury or risk to life is identified. 

A statement needs to be submitted with the TTRO application outling the risk to the public)

For a maximum period of 21 days. 

(If this period needs to be extended, we need to be informed ASAP to get a further TTRO in place) 


(Purchase Order required for £1,725) 

Changes/Cancellation: Inform the Network Supervisor and the TTRO Team immediately. Charges will apply for TTROs from the point of your agreement to proceed with the application after Network Coordination has been approved. Full payment will be sought for a cancellation. 

Additional charges

If applicable, these will be levied for:

  • all advertising costs
  • extra work needed if you submit an inadequate or unacceptable application
  • work on the signing and/or publicity plans that we have to undertake on your behalf
  • staff time if exceptional work is required
  • amendments to the original application.


A minimum of 12 weeks' notice must be given for the county council to process Temporary Traffic Regulation Order applications affecting county roads. We process applications as quickly as possible.

It is in the public interest that we must process your application before it can be granted.

Public liability insurance

The services, company contractor, authority or other person or body requesting the closure should note they must show they hold insurance of at least £10,000,000.

How to apply

Read our guidelines for requesting a temporary road closure (pdf format, 205KB). 

Download and complete one of the following forms. Use our contact us form to return your application and supporting documents.

Supporting documents

You will also need to send:

  • a publicity plan showing the works site, proposed restrictions and any alternative route(s)
  • a signage plan for the proposed restrictions and any alternative route(s)
  • proof of public liability insurance of at least £10,000,000
  • a copy of your purchase order for the TTRO.

Who to contact

Public relations

It is your responsibility to ensure that all those along the length of the highway affected by the TTRO are informed about the nature and duration of the restrictions well in advance.


You are responsible for ensuring that any alternative route is adequately signed and approved by Oxfordshire County Council in advance. Standard sign templates are given here:

Temporary signs should comply with Department for Transport regulations.