Oxfordshire Youth Flute Choir

The flute choir is open to players of grade five and above.

The Oxfordshire Youth Flute Choir is open to grade five standard and above players. The repertoire includes additional parts for piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, and the standard flute, covering a range of styles.

Membership of Chamber Groups is usually by invitation only. Players mainly come from central activities; sometimes, you may be asked to audition.

When and where

Day and time to be confirmed

Centre for Music
Bayswater Road
OX3 9FF 

Leader: Emma Coulthard who can be contacted through the Music Service.

Cost and membership

£104 per term

This termly charge is based on 30 sessions offered across the academic year. The Music Service works on the three-term school year with two invoices per term (six per academic year).

Register for the Youth Flute Choir