Equalities in partnerships

Help partnerships apply the principles of equality and diversity to their day to day business.

These pages aim to help partnerships apply the principles of equality and diversity to their day to day business. It can also be used by any strategic partnership in Oxfordshire to help provide a consistent approach to promoting accessible services and opportunities across the county.

At the heart of the guidance is a set of key questions that partnerships should consider whenever they make a decision that will affect the local community.

What is equality and diversity?

The following definition is used within the national Equality Framework for local government and is seen as a comprehensive explanation of what equality and diversity means:

"An equal society protects and promotes equal, real freedom and opportunity to live in the way people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish. An equal society recognises people's different needs, situations and goals, and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and be."

People in Oxfordshire may face barriers in life because of things like disability, gender (including transgender, pregnancy and maternity), age, sexual orientation, rural isolation, income, religion/ belief or ethnicity.

In the day to day work of partnerships, this means doing things like:

  • promoting positive relations within communities
  • tackling discrimination
  • providing accessible and inclusive services and opportunities
  • giving everyone a voice
  • respecting and valuing everyone.

Why does equality and diversity matter to a local strategic partnership?

Oxfordshire 2030, the strategy which sets out the Oxfordshire Partnership's ambition, has the following vision:

"By 2030 we want Oxfordshire to be recognised for its economic success, outstanding environment and quality of life; to be a place where everyone can realise their potential, contribute to and benefit from economic prosperity and where people are actively involved in their local communities".

In order to achieve this vision, the Oxfordshire Partnership needs to think about how its business, activities and outcomes will affect local people, particularly those who are more likely to face barriers. This approach will help the Partnership to:

be compliant with equalities legislation (public sector organisations need to ensure they are considering equality impact when working in partnership) positively contribute towards the Comprehensive Area Assessment which has a strong focus on tackling inequalities in communities

help its public sector partners to deliver against their equality performance frameworks (e.g. the Equality Framework for Local Government) deliver effective outcomes for local residents with decisions based on community understanding and need have a shared understanding about promoting equality of opportunity and access