Learning to talk

How you can help your baby when they start to communicate.

Babies start to listen to language from about six months old. They will usually use gestures to communicate before they use words. Learn how to spot the early signs of communication and what you can do to encourage them. 

  • Chatting to your baby

    words for life logo

    The Words for Life website explains why chatting to your baby can help them develop language skills. You can filter activities by age range. 

  • Learning to talk and communication with your baby

    NCT logo

    The NCT website has a range of articles about how babies start communicating and what you can do to help.

  • Big little moments

    big little moments logo

    The Small Steps Big Changes website has a series of delightful videos called Big Little Moments about how you can help your little one develop. The video topics range from sharing a story to saying what they see.

  • Ages and stages

    Speech and Language UK logo

    The Speech and Language UK website includes a guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people. You will also find guidance and resources if you are concerned about your child's communication skills.