Repeat Pattern Printing

Paint, ink pads and stamps on top of a blue repeating pattern of printing

This workshop will introduce you to the fun and addictive process of creating and printing repeat patterns.  We will cover the basic design skills necessary to create free style organic repeats through to those which appear much more complex but are actually surprisingly simple, using a variety of techniques and materials including foam, printing blocks, collage, inks, ink pads and paint. 

You will go home with an array of printed pattern designs and the skills to reproduce them onto bags, wrapping paper, cards, fabric, really anything flat that you would like to print onto! 

This fun and informal workshop is suitable for anyone, no experience necessary.

About the Tutor

Jane is an experienced printmaker, mosaic artist and tutor. With a background in printed textiles and surface design she has a particular interest in the social and wellbeing benefits of art and creativity.


For tickets please visit the following link: 


The Oxfordshire Museum
Fletcher's House
Park Street
OX20 1SN


Saturday 8 Mar 2025, 10.30am-4pm


£60 the price includes lunch

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